Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS), Govt. of India, issues directions regarding the security restricted items in India. The below are the indicative list of common items that are not allowed in cabin baggage/ hold baggage. Some common items which can be carried but have some restrictions are also shown. Passengers are requested to visit www.bcasindia.gov.in for detailed indicative list of restricted items.


Screw Drivers and Hammers

Sporting Bats

Razor Blades

Knitting/Crochet Needles

Martial Art Weapons & Darts

Knives with blades of any length

All Spices in powder or physical form including chilly

Steel/Metallic cutlery with sharp edges

Flammable liquids and solids


Fire Crackers

Bang Snaps/Party Poppers

Paints & thinners

Flammable & Toxic Gas Cylinders


Radioactive materials


Safety Matches and Strike anywhere matches



Weapons & Ammunitions

Oxygen Cylinder for Medical Use

Battery-powered Mobility Aid

Dry Ice & Other Dangerous Goods


Butane Gas


Laptop Spare Battery

Power Bank


Lead Acid Battery

Lighter Fluid



DRY ICE - 2.5 KG (With approval)
What is allowed?
- Laptops in hand baggage will need to be removed from your bag and screened separately in the trays provided.
- Pushchairs, walking aids, and wheelchairs are subjected to airline approval and security checks.
Some liquids (e.g., gels, lotions, pastes, liquid cosmetics, foams, etc) are restricted through airport security checkpoints. The following restrictions apply to the number of liquids:
- Liquids may only be carried in containers not greater than 100ml each in hand baggage.
- These containers must be contained in a single, transparent, resealable plastic bag, which itself must not exceed 1 litre in capacity The contents of the plastic bag must fit comfortably and the bag must be sealed.
- Each passenger is permitted to carry only one such bag of LAG’s, which is to be presented separately for screening at screening check points.
Liquids that cannot be placed inside the re-sealable bag must be packed into the hold luggage or check in luggage.
Carriage of Satellite Phone
BSNL provided INMARSAT satellite handsets (ISAT Phones) are permitted in India with authorisation from BSNL. Carriage of any other satellite phones or GPS devices which, are otherwise prohibited are only permitted with specific permission from Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), or Department of Telecommunication (DoT), Govt. of India.
Duty-Free and Departure Lounge Purchases
You may take onboard liquid items of any items that are purchased after security check in the departure lounge. Most duty-free items or similar purchases made after the security check will be given to you in a special sealed bag (Security Tamper Evident Bags - STEB) – do not open this bag until you have reached your final destination. You should also retain your proof of purchase throughout your journey as you may be required to show it at a transfer point.
These are the requirements set down by the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security. Airlines may have additional measures in place.
Passengers are strongly advised to check the website of their carrier or airport before travelling.